Sunday, July 10, 2011

36 Weeks

Today our egg has officially been incubating 36 weeks. It has, thus far, followed proper egg protocol, met all the Government of Canada guidelines for growth and activity, and been in general a good tenant of the Bird's nest. There are suspicions this little creature may be female, but the wording of an ultrasound tech was a cautious "I don't think it is a boy." The chick should crack into this world at the end of July or first week of August, depending on how cramped quarters become.

As we look at our humble abode, we observe, clean and take stock of the things we have prepared for the new addition. I see a pram with an aluminum frame in JOHN DEERE green and yellow. The stroller has a name; the Bumbleride company calls her a 2007 Queen B. Beside the pram is a little blue bassinet, and a Safety First carseat in brown and blue. We have a yellow Rubbermaid of freshly laundered baby clothes from B.C, and a unopened box of bottles.

Our nest is coming together quite nicely.


In the last week or two, I have come to the realization that there are not very many married couples having babies in my social sphere. At 21, my friends are partying, working loads, saving money for trips and handbags, dancing at clubs, studying through the night... In contrast, I am budgeting, finishing up a degree in daytime hours, planning for a new, tiny person in my life, and sorting through what it means to be a good spouse. Is there any common ground here? Is it fair for me to jabber incessantly about baby things with young people far removed from the concept? Probably not. What is the solution to a seeming hole in my social life? Forums? Facebook? My momma? Books? My doctor?

The solution thus far has been a hodgepodge of the aforementioned. I have found new mommies are tired and do not have oodles of time for we incubators. My mum listens well, but lives 6 hours away. My friends are tied up with their own lives, or are not all that interested in breastfeeding and comparative diaper shopping.

Today I decided that I prefer to be excited about baby things and preparations for the baby's sake, and to learn as much as I can independently. The desire for fellow female baby-haver's conversation is not in the cards, or necessary. I can knit and practice my kegels without encouragement, thank-you-very-much!

The Hawk


  1. You mentioned not many of your friends are at the same point in life. We found ourselves in a simmilar situation when having Isabelle. Though we are still in contact with our 'old' friends, having children the around same age as ours has become the most important criteria when making our new friends in Olds. I dont know what I would do without the support from these other moms who have or are facing the same daily challenges as I am. I know Ive only met Violet once lazertagging (not including bumping into her group at wicked last night) but please include our family in your group of friends with kids!

  2. When you look back, you'll have fond memories and few regrets. :)
