Monday, September 5, 2011

And so the search continues...

We have found, much to our chagrin, the kijiji Queen B Bumbleride is too big for our tiny apartment.  I have sighed, huffed, puffed, but found that the functionality, beauty and sturdiness of this stroller are not enough to outweigh the obvious impracticality in our 500 sq. foot home.

And so, we are left without a stroller.  My dreams of a Bumbleride come to an abrupt hiccup.  I look longingly at Kijiji, craigslist, and ebay, in the mild hope that an indie will appear in our budget range.  1 a.m. - no luck.  1:30 a.m. - no luck.  1:32 a.m. - feed baby Noelle.  1:38 a.m. - no luck.  1:42 a.m. - sigh heavily with the knowledge that I will not be a fit momma without an awesome jogging stoller.

As we drive back to Calgary this afternoon, I check the Bumbleride facebook page on my smart phone, and find, like Cinderella, there may be a fairy godmother to my bumbleride heartache.  THEBABYGUYNYC GIVEAWAY AAAAAHAHHHHHH.

because I am generous (or mercenary) I will share the link.

From what I can tell, this guy is a champ at reviewing strollers.  Maybe, just maybe, our (my) wish for a brand new Bumbleride Indie may come true.  Sigh.


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